Xiamen Shuangyuan Springs Co., Ltd 'Blog

Welcome to shuangyuan,manufacturer of gas spring, disc spring, die spring etc.

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The gas spring is a kind of industrial accessories that play a important role of support, caching, braking, height adjustment and angle adjustment function.

It consists of the following components: pressure cylinder, piston rod, piston, seal guide sleeve,the filler (inert gas or oil and gas mixture), control elements in cylinder and outside the cylinder control components (referring to the controllable gas spring), and connectors.

The principle is in a sealed pressure cylinder filled with inert gas or oil and gas mixture,make the body cavity pressure is higher than atmospheric pressure several times or dozensl times, make use of cross-sectional area of the piston rod is less than the piston cross-sectional area resulting pressurepoor to achieve the movement of the piston rod.

Fundamentally different principle, Compared with ordinary spring ,the gas spring has a significant advantages: the relatively slow speed, dynamic force change little (generallywithin the scope of 1:1.2), easy to control;
The disadvantage is that relative volume more than spiral spring, high cost, relatively short working life.
Different from the mechanical springs, gas spring with near linear elastic curve.

Standard gas spring coefficient of elasticity X between 1.2 and 1.4, other parameters defined can be flexible on the basis of the requirements and conditions.

According to its own characteristics and different applications, the gas spring is also called  lift support, gas support, locking gas spring, pressure bar, damper and so on.

Classified according to the structure and function of the gas spring ,gas springs have freestyle gas spring , locking gas springs, traction gas springs, free-stop(optional stop) gas springs,
swivel chair gas spring, pressure rods, damper etc.

At present, the products are widely used in the field of automotive, aerospace, medical equipment, furniture, machinery manufacturing and other areas

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You're reading:What is a gas spring? The definition of gas springs?
xmshuangyuan Published:2012-6-14 0:9:46
Categories:Knowledge of spring
Keyword:gas spring  





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China manufacturer of gas spring,disc spring,die spring,lockable gas spring and compression spring